Fall Prevention: Transforming Linda’s Life

December 14, 2022
by Chip Wood, Executive Director at Rebuilding Together Fox Valley

At Rebuilding Together Fox Valley, we are well aware of the importance of fall prevention work. Too often, we hear of neighbors falling in their homes from hazards that are preventable. One of these neighbors is Fox Valley resident, Linda. After Linda was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), the trajectory of her life changed dramatically. She was no longer able to work, and her health started to rapidly deteriorate. It became much harder for Linda to safely navigate her home, and she started falling regularly.

After many 911 calls, Linda had to have a special lock installed on her front door so the emergency medical services (EMS) team didn’t have to keep breaking down her door. At one point, she was on the floor for 18 hours before she was able to reach her phone to call for help. Linda’s family and local EMS thought there was no other option than assisted living. Thankfully, our team was able to step in. 

Two hours was all it took to transform Linda’s life. Thanks to local [Re]Builders and just $250 in supplies, Linda regained her independence. Our team of volunteers worked in Linda’s home to install grab bars, a bathtub transfer bench, a toilet seat riser, night lights and anti-slip adhesive on her shower floor. These repairs have made a huge difference for Linda and she has not fallen since. Her family and local EMS are now comfortable with her remaining in her home and don’t feel that she needs to move into assisted living.
Linda’s story is just one example of how simple fall prevention installations can prevent serious injuries and help keep neighbors in the homes they know and love. Learn more about Rebuilding Together’s fall prevention work across the country here