Fighting Climate Displacement in Miami

August 28, 2024
by Martina Spolini, Executive Director at Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade

As climate continues to reshape our world, we must confront not only its environmental impacts but also the social and economic issues it exacerbates. In Miami, climate displacement is an urgent issue forcing long-time residents from their neighborhoods. At Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade, we are working tirelessly to combat this trend and protect our communities through some of our cornerstone programs.

Climate displacement occurs when climate, such as rising sea levels and increased flooding, drive more people to seek higher ground. This influx raises property values in previously affordable neighborhoods, displacing lower-income residents who have called these areas home for generations. Miami, with its unique geography and vulnerability to climate, is a prime example of this phenomenon. The communities most affected by this trend are often those that have historically been marginalized and underserved, including neighborhoods like Little Haiti, Liberty City and Overtown. These areas, rich in culture and history, are now at risk of losing their identity as rising property values push out long-time residents.

At Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade, we are at the forefront of addressing climate displacement, ensuring that low-income homeowners, the backbone of our communities, can remain in their homes despite mounting climate and economic pressures.

Our mission is to provide essential home repairs to cost-burdened, low-income families, ensuring that their homes are safe and resilient to climate impacts. Through programs like our Safe at Home and Disaster Readiness and Recovery initiatives, we offer roof repairs, structural fortifications against flooding and other crucial improvements that help families withstand the increasing challenges posed by a changing climate.

We actively engage with community members to understand their needs and advocate for policies that protect impacted populations. Our grassroots approach, embodied in our community revitalization partnerships framework, ensures that the voices of those most affected by climate displacement are heard and addressed. Through partnerships with local governments and organizations, we promote sustainable development practices that balance growth with the needs of existing residents. This holistic approach helps create resilient communities.

In a city as dynamic and diverse as Miami, the fight against climate displacement is crucial. We must ensure that as we adapt to a changing climate, we do so in a way that is equitable for all residents. Together, we can build a Miami that is resilient, inclusive and just for everyone. Visit our Disaster Readiness and Recovery webpage to learn more and click here to support our mission.