Get Your Home Ready For Hurricane Season

May 26, 2021
by Becky Carter, Senior Director of Network Advancement at Rebuilding Together National

As summer weather begins, our minds shift to pool days, barbecues and beach trips. Preparing for our summer activities is important, but preparing our home for a disaster is critical. June 1 marks the start of hurricane season in the United States--a time when many areas are impacted by inclement weather. 

Rebuilding Together knows it’s never too early to prepare for a disaster. Our affiliates--with decades of experience helping neighbors recover from disaster--are also well equipped to prepare their communities for storms. 

Unsure if you’re on the right track to protecting your home? Start by following these tips from our Home Disaster Preparedness Guide about hurricanes:

  • Remove dead or damaged limbs from trees. Strong winds can break dead or damaged tree limbs, those could fly into your home, causing damage.

  • Make sure you have fire extinguishers, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in working order throughout your home.

  • Strengthen exterior and garage doors. Strong winds can damage those, creating an opening for strong wind gusts inside your home. Consider installing permanent shutters to your windows.

  • Make sure the roof on your home is in good condition.

  • Home insurance policies do not cover flooding. Talk to your insurance provider about adding a flood coverage policy to cover your home.

These are just a few of the tips from the guide. Download a full version here for information about disaster survival and recovery, preparing your home and more. Enjoy your summer, but first make sure one of your most important assets is protected--your home.