Here’s what you can do as Hurricane Ida moves through Louisiana

August 29, 2021
by William Stoudt, Executive Director at Rebuilding Together New Orleans

Hurricane Ida has made landfall in Louisiana, impacting New Orleans and surrounding parishes. We were preparing ahead of the storm and are getting ready for the long-term recovery process. We will clean-up the damage, muck and gut flooded houses, repair roofs and do what it takes in the months and years to come to bring our neighbors back home. It will take time but we’ve been here before and we know what needs to be done. As we get ready, you can do three things to help in the clean-up and long-term recovery process.

  1. Donate materials through our Amazon wish list, those will be essential in helping us get started in the recovery process.
  2. If you know anyone who has been impacted, share the crisis clean-up hotline number with them. The number is (844) 965-1386.
  3. Make a donation to Rebuilding Together’s Hurricane Ida disaster recovery fund. 100% of donations go to impacted areas.

You can play an important role in helping us recover from this hurricane. With you support, we can bring our neighbors back home. Thank you.