Home is a Haven

February 26, 2021
by Valerie Payne, Executive Director at Rebuilding Together New York City+

“How many people don’t have a home to go to? So many,” says Queens neighbor Jill. This past year, home has been more important than ever. Jill bought her home in 1994 and it has been a haven for her and her family ever since.

During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Jill’s home suffered severe damage. Years later, she contacted Rebuilding Together New York City when she knew the repairs couldn’t wait any longer to be addressed. Roof repairs, siding replacement, window replacements, a wheelchair ramp demolition, painting, fence repairs and landscaping were some of the projects Rebuilding Together New York City volunteers worked on at Jill’s home.

All of these repairs made it so Jill could shelter in place safely during the pandemic. She even credits the repairs to helping her asthma and allergies. “My health is a lot better.”

Rebuilding Together New York City is working to make it so neighbors all over NYC are able to live in a safe and healthy home. When disaster strikes Rebuilding Together is there to help our neighbors get back on their feet in the months and years following a disaster.