Preserving Affordable Housing with Evolve

April 22, 2022
by Jodie Liddy, Executive Director at Rebuilding Together Colorado

Robert, a local U.S. Army veteran and neighbor, has lived in his home for over 26 years. He served in the Army Corps of Engineers from 1957 to 1977, including tours in Korea, Vietnam and Germany. Robert returned home with a spinal injury, which limited his mobility and lives in a home that does not meet his needs.

Recently, Robert’s daughter and son-in-law moved in to serve as his caretakers. They tried their best to maintain the home while also caring for Robert, but were impacted by medical issues of their own. They decided to reach out to Rebuilding Together Metro Denver in hopes of getting the critical safety repairs their home needed to stay where they love and can afford.

We are working with 80 volunteers from Evolve, a vacation rental hospitality company, this National Rebuilding Month to help Robert and three other families stay in their neighborhood of Aurora, CO. We are installing grab bars in the bathroom to make it easier to get in and out of the tub, fixing the thresholds between rooms to increase accessibility, replacing the storm doors and providing other exterior repairs to make their home more secure.

Robert is most excited about the repairs that will restore his independence by getting a private bedroom, as he has had to reside in a hospital bed in the shared living room. These repairs also help ensure the home is safe and healthy for him to age in place for years to come.

This project is part of Evolve’s Building Hospitality Program, a transformative social responsibility initiative focused on repairing homes and revitalizing communities nationwide. It is the second year Evolve and Rebuilding Together have partnered to bring existing homes back to comfortable living standards, and through the program, Evolve will donate one percent of every stay booked at Since 2021, Evolve has pledged more than $650,000 to Rebuilding Together to help neighbors in need.

Together, we are focused on improving the safety and health of homes by providing essential home repairs and modifications to neighbors in underserved communities, addressing the connection between health and housing and preserving the existing affordable housing landscape across the country.