[Re]Building Boston with Beacon Building Products

October 24, 2022
by Janice Walker, Executive Director at Rebuilding Together Boston

Thelma and Henry have lived in their Boston home since 1972. Over the past fifty years, the couple has celebrated many milestones and raised a family in their home. With decades of memories, who could imagine living anywhere else? But the reality is, as our homes age, they usually require more maintenance and more significant repairs. These fixes can be very expensive, putting homeowners and their families in a tough position if they are not able to afford them.

As time has gone by, Thelma and Henry’s home has sustained wear and tear, and as older adults, navigating their home is not as easy as it was fifty years ago. With Thelma’s slight issues with mobility, critical repairs were needed to make the home a safer place for her, her husband and their family.

Last week, Rebuilding Together Boston and volunteers from our partner, Beacon Building Products, were able to make essential repairs to Thelma and Henry’s home. Some of these repairs were made possible by their generous in-kind donation of building supplies. Amongst other improvements, we were able to make safety and accessibility modifications, including grab bar installation, repairs to two decks and repairs to the railings of the home. The home’s interior was also refreshed with a fresh coat of paint.
The work of Rebuilding Together has been proven to improve mental and physical health, increase safety and independence, and foster community connection and economic security for neighbors receiving repairs. Through the financial and in-kind support of our partners at Beacon, it allows us to continue creating healthier, safer and more accessible home our neighbors across the country. With the repairs made to Thelma and Henry’s home, we hope that we were not only able to create a safer environment for today, but a home that the family will be able to remain in for generations to come.