Rebuilding Together’s response to the spread of the coronavirus

March 13, 2020
by Caroline Blakely, President and CEO at Rebuilding Together National

As an organization, we are deeply connected to our communities and work every day to improve the safety and health of our neighbors. Rebuilding Together was started under the idea that every person should help their neighbors and give back to their community. Those values remain true today.

During times like these we must continue to care for one another and protect one another, especially our older neighbors. The spread of COVID-19 in our communities has made our work more challenging but we will persevere.

I have asked Rebuilding Together affiliates to take precautions when visiting our neighbors to prevent exposing them to the virus. I have also strongly recommended they postpone volunteer events. As always, I have asked Rebuilding Together affiliates to work closely with community leaders to respond to the specific needs and guidance from those leaders. Rebuilding Together is a community-led organization, the next few weeks will not be any different.

Together we will continue to serve our neighbors and strengthen our communities.