Rebuilding Together and Lowe’s provide new roof to family featured on the TODAY Show

July 14, 2020
by Chad Magaziner, Director, Strategic Partnerships at Rebuilding Together National

Charleston, W.Va. residents, Robert and Monica have adopted five girls and fostered more than 20 children over the last six years, many of whom have been impacted by the opioid crisis. Robert and Monica get by on a modest budget, but they make sure their girls are loved, cared for and have a roof over their head. Unfortunately, their roof was not in great condition and although Robert had patched it several times, it continued to leak and posed a danger to the family.

Lowe’s was inspired by the family’s generosity and compassion, which is why they reached out to Rebuilding Together to give the family a new roof. Every family should be given the opportunity to live in a safe and healthy home, which includes a solid roof over their head.

Lowe’s supports Rebuilding Together with projects, just like this one, all over the country. Since 2007, more than 4,100 Lowe’s Heroes have served neighbors in need by volunteering with Rebuilding Together in their community.

If you’re interested in volunteering with Rebuilding Together, contact your local affiliate.
Rebuilding Together is excited to have provided a new roof for a wonderful family. We envision safe homes and communities for everyone, including families like the Monica and Robert’s who help make the world a better place.