Safe and Healthy Housing for All: NCHH’s Approach to Healthy Homes

July 18, 2024
by Oluchi Pitts, Associate, Marketing at Rebuilding Together National

At Rebuilding Together, we are deeply committed to ensuring safe and healthy housing for everyone. This commitment aligns closely with the National Center for Healthy Housing's (NCHH) mission, an organization dedicated to improving housing quality through research, education and advocacy. We recently had the privilege of speaking with Amanda Reddy, Executive Director of NCHH, to learn more about their impactful work and our shared values.

For over two decades, NCHH has been a leader in promoting healthy housing. Their work spans from conducting groundbreaking research to developing practical tools and resources that address housing-related health hazards. By focusing on issues such as lead poisoning, asthma triggers and home safety, NCHH strives to create environments where all individuals can thrive.

NCHH's initiatives are diverse and far-reaching. Their National Healthy Homes Training Center offers educational programs for professionals, while their advocacy work aims to influence legislation promoting healthier housing standards. One notable project is the "Health in Housing" initiative, which integrates health considerations into housing policies and practices.

Hear about how NCHH is reshaping the landscape of healthy housing in this episode of [Re]Builders, only on Spotify. Don’t forget to tune in on the third Thursday of every month for new episodes!