At Rebuilding Together, we’re proud of the work we do with partners that share our vision of safe homes and communities for everyone. Together, we’re making life-changing impact in neighborhoods across the country.
Welcome to [Re]purpose, Rebuilding Together’s blog. This is a place to share stories of the great work of our organization. The stories you will find here are uplifting, compelling but also heartbreaking, they are the stories of Rebuilding Together.
November 29, 2023
This October, Rebuilding Together hosted our annual affiliate conference, Summit, in Indianapolis, IN. Rebuilding Together affiliate leaders from across the country joined together for a weekend of education, connection and inspiration. A small group of Summit attendees had the opportunity to tour the historic Flanner House, a 125-year-old nonprofit that empowers families and individuals to move from instability to self-sufficiency.
November 15, 2023
As she gazes at her property, Miami neighbor, Nereida, recognizes the inseparable connection between herself and her house. It holds a lifetime of memories and represents her identity and legacy.
November 14, 2023
In a country that values the sacrifices and service of its veterans, it's sobering to learn that nearly 13% of America's 18 million veterans are economically insecure, earning 150% of the federal poverty leve
November 1, 2023
Rebuilding Together recently hosted its 28th annual affiliate conference (Summit) in Indianapolis from October 19 to 21, 2023.
October 19, 2023
Today, Rebuilding Together announced a transformative donation to our organization.
October 3, 2023
For three decades, AmeriCorps has stood as a shining example of servi
September 21, 2023
This Falls Prevention Awareness Week, I’m highlighting my
September 18, 2023
During Falls Prevention Awareness Week (September 18-22, 2023), Rebuilding Together, in partnership with the National Council on Aging and Administration for Community Living, is raising awareness on preventing falls. This year’s theme is “From Awareness to Action.”