Many people, regardless of age, don’t often think about the areas of a home that can be dangerous.
POSTS TAGGED: "#OccupationalTherapy"
I am currently a Level 2 student at Howard University, pursuing a degree in Occupational Therapy.
Step into the world of occupational therapy in our latest podcast episode, where we sit down with Shivanti Kariyawasam, Senior Manager of Programs,
During Falls Prevention Awareness Week (September 18-22, 2023), Rebuilding Together, in partnership with the National Council on Aging and Administration for Community Living, is raising awareness on preventing falls. This year’s theme is “From Awareness to Action.”
Many studies show the impact of occupational therapist-led home modifications.
My goal as a future occupational therapy practitioner is to improve the health and well-being of people using meaningful and engaging activities.
As an occupational therapy (OT) student studying at Howard University, I have learned about the many ways an occupational
Stay at home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic shed light on housing conditions that put health and safety at risk, especially to avoid unnecessary hospitalizations and s