Alfrieda's Story: Increasing Independence At Home

December 14, 2021
by Melissa Stutzbach, Vice President of National Programs and Impact Measurement at Rebuilding Together National

For nearly 50 years, Rebuilding Together has been helping older adults, grandparents and parents stay in their homes through much-needed home repairs. Alfrieda’s story exemplifies the kind of impact our work has on families.

Alfrieda has lived in her home for over 14 years with her daughter, Ky, and two grandchildren. Alfrieda and her 9-year-old granddaughter have disabilities and use scooters when entering and exiting their house. Rebuilding Together built a wheelchair ramp for Alfrieda and her granddaughter and addressed other safety concerns to increase their accessibility around their home. Alfrieda, Ky, and the grandchildren are all excited about the improvements.

Through our work,  86% of neighbors who had trouble entering and exiting their home found it easier after our repairs. Results from our 2020-2021 Impact Measurement Report showed after receiving assistance from Rebuilding Together, nearly 90% of neighbors who weren’t planning on aging in place now consider it very likely. Our survey also indicated the majority of neighbors who had previously fallen, or were at risk of falling, did not fall again following repairs.

In this way, the work of Rebuilding Together goes far beyond the physical repairs. Our repairs foster health, safety and financial security for families for many years after the repairs themselves are completed.