Home Repairs In Philadelphia Gives Peace of Mind To Neighbor In Need

June 27, 2023
by Stefanie Seldin, President & CEO at Rebuilding Together Philadelphia

For many families, homeownership is a foundational step toward providing a safe and stable environment and creating a lasting legacy for multiple generations—offering comfort and fostering a sense of pride for family members. Philadelphia resident, Ms. Mendez, has lived in her home for 22 years and faced multiple challenges in maintaining her home, which she also shares with her daughter and four grandchildren. Over time, their home gradually fell into disrepair, particularly in the bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom—posing health and safety concerns and eroding the family’s peace of mind.

Rebuilding Together Philadelphia teamed up with building and roofing materials distributor Beacon Building Products to provide interior and exterior repairs to the home, at no cost to the family. Essential home modifications and repair work included new flooring, handrail installations, ceiling and window restorations and more. The services offered resulted in more than just physical repairs, but also a sense of relief for Ms. Mendez.

Beacon Building Products is a proud national supporter of Rebuilding Together’s mission to repair homes and revitalize communities. This work is more critical than ever as the nation faces a shortage of safe and affordable housing. With more than 400 branches throughout all 50 states in the U.S. and six provinces in Canada, Beacon serves an extensive base of nearly 100,000 customers, providing high-quality products and support to contractors.

As demonstrated in Philadelphia with the Mendez family, Rebuilding Together’s work continues to have a positive impact on communities and homeowners across the nation. Through recent, multi-year studies, the work of Rebuilding Together has been proven to improve the safety, physical and mental health, economic security and independence of neighbors need. In fact, 50% of neighbors, like Ms. Mendez and her family, experience improved mental health following repairs made by Rebuilding Together and volunteers; fulfilling our vision of safe homes and communities for everyone.