Rebuilding Together and Unum Group Repair Homes to Preserve Black Generational Wealth Through Homeownership

July 24, 2024
by Emma Haydasz, Senior Manager of National Programs and Partnerships at Rebuilding Together National

The history of racial discrimination and housing segregation in America continues to impact communities of color today. According to the Urban Institute, homeownership remains the primary way most families build wealth in this country. However, in 2017, Black people owned homes at a rate 30 percent lower than white people. Current and historical practices such as redlining, predatory lending practices and systemic racism combined with housing affordability and lack of existing housing stock have all perpetuated inequality and inaccessibility to safe and healthy housing.

Rebuilding Together is committed to being a leading community revitalization partner with historically marginalized neighbors and communities. Our partnership with Unum Group, through their Healthy Communities grant program, focuses on addressing urgent housing challenges in communities of color to help preserve Black generational wealth. Our work to provide critical home repairs and home modifications allows homeowners to stay in their homes, reduces home maintenance costs and health care expenditures and increases home values.

This year, Rebuilding Together affiliates in Georgia, Texas and Louisiana have joined forces with Unum Group to provide no-cost home repairs for long-time neighbors so they can remain in their homes, safely age in place and maintain generational wealth through homeownership.

Mary, a U.S. Army veteran widow in Smyrna, Georgia, has lived in her home since 1997. As she aged, it has become more difficult for her to maintain the home. Mary has a limited income from Social Security and retirement, which only covers her basic living expenses. Rebuilding Together Atlanta and Unum Group provided no-cost repairs to help her age in place in a safe and healthy home. Mary is thankful for the repairs and looks forward to staying in the home and community where she has lived for 27 years.

In Dallas, Texas, Lora has lived in her home for more than 40 years and has deep relationships with her community. Her commitment extends to volunteering in the homeowner’s association and providing support to neighbors with store runs or taking them to medical appointments. Unfortunately, in 2020, a hot water leak destroyed her home’s foundation, flooring and plumbing. This spring, Rebuilding Together North Texas and Unum Group made essential repairs for Lora, including floor replacement, electrical, plumbing and HVAC repairs, cabinet removal and installation and more. Now, Lora can safely age in place in her home, stay connected to the community she loves and maintain her homeownership.

Linda, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is navigating life after the recent loss of her mother and sister. Rebuilding Together Baton Rouge made various safe and healthy home improvements, including a ramp, HVAC installation, new roof and kitchen, deck and porch repairs. Earlier this year, volunteers from Unum Group painted her home and the new ADA ramp. Having lived in her home for nearly 30 years, Linda is thankful she can now age in place for years to come.

These essential repairs are helping neighbors remain safe in their homes while maintaining key economic assets and preserving Black generational wealth. To support our neighbors in need, click here to donate.