
Welcome to [Re]purpose, Rebuilding Together’s blog. This is a place to share stories of the great work of our organization. The stories you will find here are uplifting, compelling but also heartbreaking, they are the stories of Rebuilding Together.

May 23, 2024
For Loretta, home is where she’s lived for nearly 30 years with her late husband, a WWII Navy Veteran. At 82 years old, she continues to care for her adult son, who lives with a disability.
May 22, 2024
As an Occupational Therapy (OT) student, my experience in Rebuilding Together’s fellowship had a monumental impact on my perspective of aging in the home and safe and healthy housing.
May 17, 2024
The question of who will inherit your home when you pass away is a difficult question to face.
May 16, 2024
In our latest episode of [Re]Builders, we spoke with the incredible Dr. Tiffany Manuel.
May 15, 2024
At Rebuilding Together’s national office, I serve as an AmeriCorps member, creating education materials for our staff and network of affiliates.
May 8, 2024
The Rebuilding Together national office recently traveled to Montgomery, Alabama to visit the Legacy Museum as part of our annual in-person s
May 7, 2024
In fall 2022, Rebuilding Together and Lockheed Martin, a global defense technology company driving innovation and advancing scientific discovery, announced a national
April 30, 2024
As we celebrate National Rebuilding Month and reflect on the significance of Earth Day this April, we at Rebuilding Together are energized by the
April 25, 2024
As the seasons change and warmer weather approaches, it's the perfect time to tackle some simple home repairs to ensure your home is safe, healthy and ready for the new season.